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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  January 25, 2013 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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>> pelley: tonight, the stock market's amazing recovery. five years after the meltdown, the s&p 500 is back near its peak. anthony mason on what's driving stocks higher. team of rivals: the president sits down with "60 minutes" and insists his secretary of state and one-time opponent be with him. >> why did you want to do this together? >> pelley: steve kroft has the interview. analysis from bob schieffer. the head of the u.s. anti-doping agency says lance armstrong has not come clean. he suggested that cycling in those years was a level playing field because everyone did it. he wasn't doing anything special. >> it's just simply not true.
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>> pelley: and steve hartman "on the road." their burden was heavy but their yolks have made it lighter. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: good evening. five years after the financial meltdown, money is pouring back into the stock market. have a look at what's happened: the benchmark s&p 500 closed above 1500 today for the first time since december of 2007. and the dow, which topped 14,000 in october of that same year before dropping to 6,500 in 2009, closed today at 13,895-- just 268 points short of an all-time high. so far this year the dow is up 6%, the best start to a year in
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a quarter century. it is a remarkable recovery. anthony mason is at the davos meeting of world bankers in switzerland and, anthony, what's behind the surge? >> reporter: well, scott, it's been fueled by the improving economic picture. new numbers out today show that new home sales jumped 20% last year. unemployment claims have been falling steadily. all that has ordinary investors who fled the market in fear five years ago now jumping back in. look what's happened. in the past two weeks, nearly $15 billion has poured into stock mutual funds. that's the largest inflow since 2001. now, here in davos, nearly all of the bankers and business leaders that i've been talking to are more optimistic about the u.s. economy. here's what ken frazer, c.e.o. of the pharmaceutical giant merck, had to say. >> i think the u.s. economy is poised to take off. i think it's been through some tough times. i think it's the strongest economy in the world. i think the big challenge for us
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is to come up with long-term solutions to the debt and deficit situation that will create greater certainty for people to make investments. >> reporter: the c.e.o. of j.p. morgan chase, jamie dimon, said here in davos that he thinks the table is set now for strong economic growth in the u.s. the c.e.o. of coca-cola told me here "we're still walking on ice" but if his words "everyone now believes the ice is going to hold." >> pelley: but, anthony, the last financial catastrophe was because a bubble burst. and what are the chances this is a bubble in the stock market? >> reporter: well, i think, scott, some people are concerned the market may be getting a little ahead of itself here, that ordinary investors are rushing back in. but it is fueled by some very encouraging economic news and we'll get another barometer of where we are next week. on wednesday, the g.d.p. number comes out. friday we get the latest jobless claims. >> pelley: anthony will be back from davos in just a few minutes. anthony, thank you very much. well, the last time that barack
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obama and hillary clinton sat down together to answer questions it was in a debate in the middle of a fight for the democratic presidential nomination. they were at each other's throats. well, today just days away from the end of her term as secretary of state, they sat down again together to answer questions. this time from steve kroft of "60 minutes". the joint interview, apparently, was the president's idea. >> reporter: why did you want to do this together? a joint interview. >> well, the main thing is i just wanted to have a chance to publicly say that you can because i think hillary will go down as one of the finest secretary of states we've had. it has been a great collaboration over the last four years. i'm going to miss her. i wish she was sticking around but she has logged in so many miles i can't begrudge her to want to take it easy for a little bit. but i want the country to
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appreciate just what an extraordinary role she's played during the course of my administration and a lot of the sucsuccesses we've had internationally because of her hard work. >> a few years ago it would have been seen as improbable because we had that very long, hard primary campaign. but, you know, i've gone around the world on behalf of the president and our country and one of the things that i say to people-- because i think it helps them understand-- i say, look, in politics and in democracy sometimes you win elections; sometimes you lose elections. and i worked very hard but i lost and then president obama asked me to be secretary of state and i said yes and why did he ask me and why did i say yes? because we both love our country. >> pelley: steve also asked whether this joint interview was an endorsement. you'll hear that and the rest of the president and the secretary this sunday on "60 minutes". the dual interview was so unusual we just had to bring in bob schieffer, our chief
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washington correspondent and anchor of "face the nation." bob, what do you think? >> schieffer: well (laughs) other than to take the president at his word, anything i would offer as to why they decided to do this would be just pure speculation. but it's very unusual for the president, any president, to say i want to do an interview but i want to bring a friend. i'm sure steve must have been surprised. presidents generally don't want to share the spotlight with anybody. but the president, you heard him, said he wanted to say thanks, that's sort of sweet. secretary clinton said it showed a nice thing about democracy, that was kind of nice. it's bound, though, to generate a lot of questions. is this one step short of endorsing her to replace him next time? was it payback for that speech her husband made at the democratic convention? we're not going to get any answers to those questions for sure. but one thing that is for sure, scott, one definition of news is anything out of the ordinary.
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so this definitely qualifies as news. >> pelley: it was. bob, thank you very much. don't miss bob's "face the nation" on sunday. his guests will include democratic senator dianne feinstein of california talking about her bill to ban assault weapons. "face the nation" on sunday. you know, you probably noticed the secretary was wearing glasses instead of her usual contact lenses. her spokesman says that's to help her with lingering issues from her concussion. notice the vertical lines. we're told that those are to correct double vision and with the glasses, the spokesman says, the secretary sees just fine. we've heard a lot this week about the major policy change coming to the u.s. military: women will soon be eligible to serve in combat units in jobs that have always been off limits before. we wondered what women veterans think of all of that and we asked david martin to find out. >> reporter: when she joined the army, christine stark wanted
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to be an officer in the infantry but had to settle for the military police. >> it was one of the few that was open to me back in the early '80s where i could actually lead troops and do what i wanted to do in the military. >> reporter: it was as close as ground combat as you could get. >> yes, sir, it was. >> reporter: she rose to colonel, getting shot at during two tours in afghanistan. but even as an m.p., her gender kept her being from being assigned to front line units. did you resent these restrictions? >> yeah, in a lot of ways i did. i had been born and raised that i could do anything and then, you know, to have someone tell me just because of my gender i couldn't have certain positions. >> reporter: when defense secretary panetta and joint chiefs dempsey signs an order ending the ban on women in ground combat it came too late for her career but was a triumph nevertheless. is there a sisterhood out there in the army that's giving each other a high five now? >> there absolutely is.
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this has been a landmark decision. >> reporter: right now, it's only a piece of paper which will take years to implement. do you expect males in the military to be accepting of this? >> some will accept it and some will not. some will be resistant. >> reporter: some people are going to think, well, there goes standards. >> yeah. i think there will be some of that. but i think it -- it's only a matter of time before women just prove them wrong. >> reporter: do you have any doubts about women being able to succeed in combat arms? >> no. i don't have any doubts. >> reporter: do you think a lot of women are going to line up to join combat arms? >> no. (laughs) i think there will be some that want that opportunity and many that don't. there's many males that don't sign up for the combat arms. >> reporter: scott, here's one measure the effect the combat
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ban has had on the careers of women in the army. women make up 14% of the army but only 7% of the generals. >> pelley: big changes ahead. david, thanks very much. there were violent protests all over egypt today on the second anniversary of that uprising that brought down president mubarak. the protesters accuse the new president of betraying their democratic revolution with a power grab that put islamic fundamentalists in charge. at least four protesters were killed when they fought with the police. hundreds were hurt. french troops are on the move tonight in mali recapturing towns from islamic terrorists. mali is in north africa and it's become a new center for terrorism. fighters linked to al qaeda have overrun much of the north, including gao. thousands have fled south to escape. elizabeth palmer is in mali and met some of the refugees. >> reporter: against all odds,
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the beat goes on 600 miles from home. but if moussa mega and his band carried on like this in their native city of g arco they'd have been arrested or worse by the islamic militants who took over ten months ago. so they fled to safety in the south. we have heard that the extremists, rebels who have come to gao will not let you play. "that's right" he told me. "they said it was unislamic." how did they stop you? "they would break our instruments" he said "and whip us bitterly in public." the militants who control large parts of northern mali rule by terror. this cell phone video shows them in gao flog ago man found guilty of guttery and drinking alcohol. tata, the band's star dancer,
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riding with a man on a motorcycle or going out alone can mean arrest and rape. the local consensus is that as few as 400 extremists ruled gao's population of more than 100,000 with violence. here a thief is about to have his hand amputated after sentencing in an extremist court. but intimidation and cruelty like this is not part of northern mali's tradition. dance, humor, and joyful rhythms are. moussa mega's band is making music even in exile but every one of them is counting the days when they can head for home. elizabeth palmer, cbs news, central mali. >> pelley: can bill gates wipe out diseases killing children? and a new winter storm is on the way when the "cbs evening news" continues.
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>> pelley: the world's largest private charity is the bill and melinda gates foundation. the founder and his wife are spending billions of dollars to eradicate diseases overseas and reform education here in the u.s. gates is attending the world economic forum in davos, switzerland which every year attracts the globe's top leaders. anthony mason talked to gates today about the progress that he's making against diseases that kill children by the
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millions. >> reporter: you're a regular here at davos. what's the value in coming here for you? >> there's great opportunity to meet with corporate leaders, government leaders, talk about the foundation's partnership with them. i get up to date and i'd have to fly a lot of places to do the equivalent. >> reporter: in the corridors and meeting rooms in davos, the world's most prominent philanthropist is kaoeuping up his campaign to help the poorest children of the world. a top priority of the bill and melinda gates foundation has been to eradicate polio. the gates have committed a billion dollars to fighting the disease and almost beaten it. >> we started with 400000 kids a year being paralyzed and now less than 250,000. so we're pretty close. >> reporter: what's the next mountain to climb here? >> well, the -- the figure we always look at is reducing the number of children under five who die. and that was 12 million back in
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1990, it's under seven million now. so we're -- by 2015 we will have cut it in half. and then the goal is to cut it in half again in the next 15 years. >> reporter: are you getting the money that you need? are governments, given the economic climate, coming forward? >> well, it really hangs in the balance because budgets are tighter than ever. >> reporter: there's never enough money, is there? >> that's right. whether it's funding scientists to create new inventions or getting them out there. every time i visit i say i wish we could move faster. >> reporter: the scope of gates' efforts is truly monumental. the world's largest private philanthropy, his foundation has paid out $25 billion in grants since it was founded. >> pelley: anthony mason at the world economic forum in davos. anthony, thanks. it may soon be more difficult to get a prescription for vicodin and similar painkillers. an f.d.a. advisory panel today recommended new restrictions on
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prescriptions and refills because so many patients become addicted. the u.s. anti-doping agency is giving lance armstrong an the u.s. anti-doping agency is giving lance armstrong an ultimatum, and that story is next. the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem, a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin, and made a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but not anymore. bob's doctor recommended a different option: once-a-day xarelto®. xarelto® is the first and only
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once-a-day xarelto®. >> pelley: "60 minutes" is reporting that the u.s. anti-doping agency has given lance armstrong until february 5 to testify under oath.
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if he declines, his lifetime ban if sports will be irreversible. last week, in an interview with oprah winfrey, armstrong admitted to doping. but the head of the u.s. anti-doping agency, travis tygart, told us armstrong didn't tell the whole truth in the interview. tygart holds the keys to any reduction in armstrong's lifetime ban and in an interview for sunday's "60 minutes" we asked him about armstrong's talk show confession. you know, at one point in the interview he said that he was curious about the definition of the word "cheater" and he looked it up in the dictionary and didn't think it necessarily applied to him. >> it's amazing. i mean, scott, you could go to almost any kind guarden in this country or, frankly, around the world and find kids playing tag or four square and ask them what cheating is and every one of them will tell you it's breaking the rules of the game. no real athlete has to look up the definition of cheating and
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it's offensive to clean athletes out there working hard to play by the rules that apply to their sport. >> pelley: he suggested that cycling in those years was a level playing field because everyone did it. he wasn't doing anything special. >> it's just simply not true. the access they had to inside information, to how the tests work, what tests went in place at what time, special access to the laboratory, he was the one that -- he was on an entirely different playing field than all the other athletes even if you assume all the other athletes had access to some doping products. >> pelley: tygart told us armstrong will have to agree to tell all and testify against others if his ban is to be shortened. you can see the rest of tygart's interview this sunday on "60 minutes." the east coast is being hit tonight with a new round of winter weather. it's snowing in the mid-atlantic states, an icy mix is falling in the carolinas, and overnight chicago finally got some snow, just over an inch.
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it had not snowed that much in 335 days-- a record for the windy city. we don't know which came first, but we can tell you what comes last. can t chicken and the egg. next. the boys use capital one venture miles for their annual football trip. that's double miles you can actually use. tragically, their buddy got sacked by blackouts. but it's our tradition! that's roughing the card holder. but with the capital one venture card you get double miles you can actually use. [ cheering ] any flight, anytime. the scoreboard doesn't lie. what's in your wallet? hut! i have me on my fantasy team. and it gave me my custom number. my arches needed more support until i got my number
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preponderance. >> pelley: we end tonight with old-fashioned american ingenuity. when her family got into financial trouble a young girl hatch add rescue plan and built quite a nest egg. steve hartman met her "on the road." >> reporter: on this clear colorado morning the sun shines kindly on 13-year-old shelby pwreb pw *epbg. it warms her try school, a professional courtesy, perhaps, for this fellow ray of light who's seen her share of dark times. >> it was sad, really couldn't feed herself. >> reporter: that bad? >> yeah, it was pretty much dead on the couch.
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>> i didn't get out of bed. >> and she ended up in a nursing home and, man, it was -- it was tough. >> reporter: shelby's dad, john michael, works at a water treatment plant outside denver. her mom was a pharmacist. they made pretty good money, but the nursing home bills alone were bankrupting the couple. shelby, of course, was told none of this-- but knew all of it. because i could see how sad he was and i decided to help him. >> i says, well, okay, see what you can do. i just never thought she'd take it to this level. >> reporter: what shelby did was basically start farming-- at the age of nine she got a loan from her grandma and bought chickens, lots of chickens. >> i have 135 about. >> reporter: never mind she didn't come from a farming family. never mind the 50 pound feed bags. shelby was determined to tackle this. >> come on, girls! >> reporter: she'd run the numbers and figured there was money in eggs if you did it right. which she did. shelby became the youngest farmer in america to win the
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animal welfare seal of approval which basically means her chickens have the life. >> i have to make sure chickens get out, get to eat bugs, they get to be chickens. >> reporter: pair that compassion with home delivery and you have a winning business model. >> do these look good? >> great! >> reporter: her company makes about $15,000 a year. where would you have been without her step in. >> i think we'd have been homeless. we'd have lost it. she kept the wolf away from the door. >> reporter: today nancy is a little better, as are the family finances. shelby can now put all the profits into a college fund. although should the need arise she says family remains her first priority. and that's why, whether she stays in farming or not, shelby grebenc will always be one good egg. steve hartman, "on the road," denver. >> pelley: and that's the "cbs evening news" for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, i'm scott
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pelley. i'll see you sunday on "60 minutes." good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh it was not exactly a blizzard, but folks around here were not taking any chances. the snow we did get caused slick roads and heavy traffic and a lot of people went home from work early. a lot of flakes are on the ground. topper shutt is on the weather terrace. >> it's a good thing those folks did go home early. left over flurry or snow shower, that's about it. we have half an inch here in the weather terrace, dry snow. let me show you radar. this tells the story. accumulating snow raced across the bay. over into


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